
Denver Archives

August 24, 2009

Mile High City

After a bit of a harrowing landing experience--after a harsh jolt upon our initial touchdown, the pilots ascended to circle around and try again--the airport in Denver has been quite pleasant. If memory serves, I haven't been here since 1994, when it was still quite new. Since my Denver-area plans for the day fell through, I'll be able to jump on an earlier flight to Medford, Oregon, which will get me into Ashland six hours ahead of my original schedule!

August 20, 2010

Hustling Through Denver's Airport

I had a 6 a.m. flight out of Medford, Oregon this morning and just arrived in Denver. My connecting gate here was about as far as it could have been from where I deplaned in the huge B Terminal in this airport, so there wasn't much time to relax before boarding, though I did grab a quick bite to eat--my first of the day--while making my way from gate to gate.

About Denver

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