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Heads oughtta roll

This sickening business involving the humiliating and dehumanizing treatment of prisoners in Iraq is a black eye on our country. (The gruesome details are documented here.)

These events--to say nothing of recording them photographically--represent an appaling lack of discipline on the part of at least some of our troops, casting a pall over the mostly honorable and dedicated men and women who fill the ranks of our armed forces.

Adding insult to injury is the stink of cover-up in the wake of the horrors committed on the Iraqi prisoners.

I am glad our president formally apologized for what happened. But there needs to be swift justice dealt to the offenders and to those responsible for their conduct up the chain of command. Our foreign policy has been seriously undermined and our national reputation has sunk to new lows in a part of the world where we cannot afford any more enemies.

What were they thinking?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 7, 2004 12:39 AM.

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