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Under The Wire


My federal and state tax returns were delivered into the hands of the U. S. Postal Service at exactly 11:59 p.m. on the 15th--just making the deadline! The last couple of years I filed an extension request and completed the returns in the summer (usually right before the August deadline, of course), but I figured since my taxes take me no more than 90 minutes or so and I am expecting about $800 in refunds, I might as well get the paperwork in for the April deadline. I got hung up late Friday night finding stamps (in the era of electronic bill payments I almost never post personal mail anymore) and making copies of my returns (I scanned them on my home computer rather than running down to the office for a conventional photocopy), so I had only about 15 minutes left to get the stuff in the mail (in New Haven!) by the time my car left the Choate campus. I confess I hit about 85mph on Interstate 91 on my way down there, but I made it.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 16, 2005 12:27 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Digital Photography.

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