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A Day At The Beach


Today was literally a day at the beach. The above picture is of Horseshoe Bay Beach, one of a string of beaches on Bermuda's south shore that I checked out today. As one who frequented the white sands of Long Island's south shore while growing up, I am very picky about my beaches and these are first rate: ample white sand, crystal clear blue water at a perfect temperature, the protection of coral reefs just offshore, and and spectacular scenery all around.

Aside from basking in the solar radiation today, I went into Hamilton for the papers and a haircut in the morning and explored the western half of Bermuda and took a ferry back to the center of the island before hitting the beaches.

I am staying in Paget, which is perfectly situated for my needs. A scooter ride into the "city" of Hamilton is less than ten minutes (it's really just a town: the tallest buildings are the huge pair of cruise ships docked on Front Street each day) and the beaches are even closer.

Tomorrow afternoon I head back to "the real world," but not before a last session on the beach in the morning.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 23, 2005 8:50 PM.

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The next post in this blog is So Much For Sanctity Of Life, I Guess.

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