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Confirm John Roberts

John Roberts ought to be confirmed as the new Chief Justice of the United States. The liberal PACs and Democrats in the Senate ought to realize they do not--and should not--have veto power over a nominee who appears to be a bright, thoughtful jurist, even if he is conservative. He seems far from the narrowly ideological approach to law we get from the likes of Antonin Scalia. Moreover, as one who teaches a course in the history of the Supreme Court, I would hasten to remind the Senate that you can't really predict how a justice on the High Court is going to rule years down the road. Earl Warren and David Souter were huge disappointments to the conservatives who championed their nominations. So all the dissections of Justice Department memos that Roberts had a hand in drafting twenty years ago are attempts to decipher tea leaves that really are not worth reading.

Confirm this guy and move on. If the nominee for the O'Connor seat is a reactionary ideologue, then oppose him/her by all means. But this guy is pretty unobjectionable in my estimation.


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