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Today was graduation day at Choate, an occasion which always brings mixed emotions. The ceremony itself was terrific: the rain (mostly) held off and the speeches were very good, especially the address by Senator Christopher Dodd. The weekend is a good chance to catch up with families and alums in town for the festivities. Moreover, this day more or less marks the start of my summer vacation (aside from the five days of report writing, wrap-up meetings, and departmental socializing that lie ahead!). But the down side is, of course, saying goodbye to kids I've gotten used to spending time with just about every day for the past few years. Most of them will keep in touch and come back and visit, but it never really will be the same. Teachers do get used to this rite of passage and September surely will bring new faces, but it's still sad to say goodbye.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 4, 2006 6:58 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Captains Courageous.

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