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Great Flick


Given the non-stop rain here on the Vineyard all of yesterday and today, I had hopes of getting on an earlier ferry--I booked the 7:15 p.m. trip from Vineyard Haven to Woods Hole months back, imagining then I could spend a leisurely day in good weather on the island--but of course lots of other folks had the same idea in light of the foul weather, so I couldn't get back to the Cape early and thus had time to kill. The documentary An Inconvenient Truth was playing in Edgartown at 2:15, so I got out of the downpour for a couple of hours in the cinema. While the movie is not perfect, it is a "must-see" film. Al Gore is far more engaging in this format than he was as a candidate. And the mountain of facts he and the filmmakers have marshalled to sound the alarm on climate change is pretty overwhelming (and convincing!). Gore makes great use of a Keynote (Apple's version of PowerPoint) presentation on the lecture circuit and this movie should get the message out to a lot more people. That's a good thing.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 25, 2006 5:51 PM.

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