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Lucky Break


Yesterday afternoon, the power brick plugged into my iBook stopped feeding juice, so I stopped by the Apple Store in Westfarms Mall to consult with the experts at the Genius Bar. Because my machine is under warranty for another few weeks, I was entitled to a replacement power cord and transformer, but because this item was not in stock at the store, Apple would ship a replacement directly to me. Ordinarily, that would do the trick, but I am getting on an airplane to the southern hemisphere Monday, won't be back for a month, and I was counting on being able to use my laptop more than just the few hours that one charge would give me. I lucked out big-time, though, as a final check of inventory located a spare replacement in the back room, so I am back in business with regard to mobile computing (and so you can expect blogging and photos from Africa, loyal reader).

Thanks again, Apple Genius!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 8, 2006 6:36 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Congrats.

The next post in this blog is Too Good.

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