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Heathrow Scare

Just four days ago while en route from Cape Town to New York, I was bemoaning the inefficiency of having to go through security again while in Heathrow Airport, even though I was in transit and presumably already in a secure zone. Given the plot that was foiled earlier today, I suppose the alternative to my being inconvenienced is pretty sobering to contemplate. Apparently terrorists were trying to smuggle liquid explosives onto U.S.-bound flights to blow up multiple planes mid-air, but were stopped due to good work by British law enforcement.

Normally I find Heathrow a frustrating place. It sounds like it became hellish in the past 24 hours, as flights were delayed and cancelled, security lines were backed up, and passengers couldn't take laptops, iPods, or really any hand luggage onto planes.

Glad I wasn't there for that!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 10, 2006 7:12 AM.

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