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Joe Must Go

I had decided to vote for Ned Lamont in last Tuesday's Democratic primary here in Connecticut largely because Joe Lieberman has lost touch with his constituency in my estimation: he is too focused on national affairs (instead of the needs of his state) and too willing to defend the disastrous foreign policy of the current Administration (when even the top American generals in Iraq are conceding it's a civil war now).

Lieberman's recent comments in the wake of the terrorist plot to bomb U.S.-bound airlines have really crossed the line. The senator basically equated support for his opponent with encouraging such acts of terror. I find this leap--which more or less echoes exactly what Dick Cheney said earlier in the week--highly offensive. The inability to distinguish honest political disagreement from irresponsibility and disloyalty is another page from the Bush Administration's playbook--and it's patently un-American, in my humble opinion.

I'm now even more convinced that Lieberman is no longer worthy to represent the Nutmeg State.


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