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Adventures In Syncing Data

Since I got my Treo 700p late last week, I've been floundering a bit in my daily routine because I have not been able to get my "to do" list (which has some 300 items on it, spread over the days, weeks, and months to come) onto the device. The root of the problem is that I synchronized my old Palm Tungsten E directly with Entourage on my iBook (which in turn automatically updated my contact and calendar data with Apple's Address Book and iCal, as well as with the Exchange server). But Entourage does not sync tasks, notes, or categories with the Exchange server, which is odd, given that these are all Microsoft products.

To cut to the chase: since my Treo syncs directly with Choate's Exchange server--thus giving me mobile access to my email account--tasks and notes did not carry over to my portable device. I fiddled around with trying to sync the Treo to my iBook using The Missing Sync program with no success. But I figured that if I could get all my tasks and notes into Outlook on my school-issued Dell laptop, they WOULD be synchronized with the Exchange server. Unfortunately, in attempting to do this, I found out that Outlook and Entourage don't share import/export formats, despite being different versions of the same program on PC and Mac OS platforms. Arrgghh! The solution was to purchase for $20 a series of Apple shareware scripts from an independent developer; these scripts enabled me to convert all my data smoothly from Entourage/Mac to Outlook/PC. Once that happened, Outlook dumped the task and note data onto the Exchange server and my Treo loaded up those tasks and notes to take with me.

One would think that the mighty corporate behemoth in Redmond, WA might have found a way to make all of this a lot easier.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 11, 2006 7:13 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Aussie, Aussie, Aussie . . ..

The next post in this blog is This Is Amusing And Accurate.

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