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Getting Around India

The guide books suggest that the authentic way to travel from city to city in this country is by train. Doesn't make much sense to me. Especially since my time here is limited, going by air is relatively cheap and much more efficient in terms of time. The flights are cheap by Western standards (especially on Jet Airways, which I strongly recommend) though the trains are really dirt cheap! The problem with trains is that they take forever and present another level of hassles, especially travelling on overnight journeys.

After a pleasant flight, I arrived in Mumbai, dealt with some more taxi agro, and settled into a nice hotel complex that doesn't seem near anything--in fact, though it's technically in the city, it's surrounded by milk-producing farms. Anyway, it's quite comfortable here and I've got the Internet up and running (though it's a rip-off here).


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 1, 2007 5:28 PM.

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