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The Elements Of A Good Hotel

Having been in hotels literally all over the world, I have a pretty firm sense of what makes for a good lodging experience. Generally, I am perfectly happy in two- and three-star hotels; for the most part, a clean room, a comfortable bed, and a functioning shower is all I need, as I don't usually spend a lot of time hanging out in my hotel room when I am traveling. But here is a quick checklist of what I appreciate when on the road:

• a queen- or king-size bed with multiple pillow
• a shower with dependable temperature control and suitable water pressure
• a good-sized bathtub to recline in after a long day on my feet
• a free in-room broadband Internet connection; WiFi is a bonus
• a television with cable/satellite offerings that include a couple of English language news channels
• a mini-fridge with space for what I want to put in it (not filled with overpriced mini-bar offerings I won't use)

I am happy to report that my current location--the Hesperia Getafe Hotel, outside Madrid--has all of these features


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 17, 2007 11:10 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Moving On Down The Road.

The next post in this blog is The Year Of The Boar.

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