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The Hard Sell

Oh, the things I'll do for 15,000 Marriott Rewards points!

This being a time-share resort, the sales staff invited me to an exclusive 90-minute tour and presentation on the benefits of "fractional ownership." Spending this time would earn me the aforementioned points (and my mom would get bonus points, too, as my "referrer").

Anyway, after nearly three-and-a-half hours in which my host was determined to get my signature on a commitment, I finally escaped unscathed. I had to make up all kinds of stories about why this was a really bad time for me to make an investment. Of course, the sentimental sap I am, I actually felt guilty about the salesman not closing then deal.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 6, 2007 2:37 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Song Of The Day #66.

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