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Young Indy


No doubt a lead-up to next year's rollout of the fourth Indiana Jones big screen adventure, Lucasfilm will be releasing three DVD sets of the television show The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles starting this fall.

Comments (1)

Crew Member:

I worked for George and Sir Rick on this and it was the single worst adventure of my entire film career. George could've cared less about the crew and his hatchet man made sure everyone paid the price for working on a George Lucas production. Endless hours with zero overtime at seven days a week.

George has only had two truly original ideas in his entire life, and they both happened at exactly the right time. Sequel after sequel... He hasn't had an original idea in over twenty years so I suspect even with Steven's help, this latest rehash will be just more of the same. Frank D sure didn't have a good time and he's a great guy.

If you had only really known him, but then again, you don't have to. Just look at his body of work.

Ask others.... really ask.


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