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Cutting It Close

Thanks to the slow-as-molasses service at the Enterprise car rental place outside O'Hare Airport, I arrived at the departures terminal about 45 minutes before my flight was scheduled to leave Chicago. There was a huge queue for the check-in kiosks, so I asked a United staffer if I could jump the line to make my flight. She informed me that it was too late to check my bag--which meant I would have to dump much of what was in my toiletries bag--but led me up to one of the computers; when I successfully checked in, I found out my flight was delayed, which meant I COULD check my luggage after all. The delayed plane got me into Bradley Airport at 2:40, which meant I made a mad dash to pick up my bag, retrieve my car, and head back to campus to get to my 3:30 practice just a minute or two late. But I made it!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 23, 2007 5:33 PM.

The previous post in this blog was So Long, Chi-Town.

The next post in this blog is Up, Up, And Away.

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