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After a slow (30mph) drive up Interstate 91 through the storm, I arrived at Bradley Airport this morning knowing that my 9:12am flight to Detroit (for a connection to Nashville) was canceled. The Northwest Airlines rep I spoke to last night suggested I might have a shot at getting on a 12:30 flight, though, which would get me to my final destination around 4:30. SInce I am supposed to be taking a 4-hour course on legal issues in athletics that starts at 4:30, this midday departure might have gotten me where I needed to be, at least for most of the session. But that flight was wiped out by the weather, too, so I am here until a 4 p.m. flight and should arrive in Nashville a bit before 8pm.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 16, 2007 11:19 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Song Of The Day #350.

The next post in this blog is Plan B.

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