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Political Thriller


Once school is out of session, I finally have the time to read the books and watch the films and television shows that have been piling up in recent months, patiently waiting for my attention. While traveling, I have lots of opportunity to read voraciously or settle in with a DVD.

After reading a profile of the author in USA Today a week or so ago, I decided to give David Baldacci a spin. He writes political thrillers, similar to the ones by Brad Meltzer that I have liked, and his books are consistently at the top of the best-seller lists. So I picked up The Camel Club in the Detroit airport the other day and am almost done with it and ready to move on to its sequels. It's nice to throw in some commercial fiction alongside the highbrow "literature" I also enjoy reading. Though a bit formulaic, books like Baldacci's are about a world I know a little about; moreover, they are thoroughly researched and competently written.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 19, 2007 2:16 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Back In Beantown.

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