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I wrote several weeks back how I was re-ripping my CD collection to encode my iTunes music at 192 kbps--still far more compression than even the compact disc format, but at least with 50% more information than the default 128 kbps iTunes standard. Well, I've gotten somewhat manic about plowing through my collection. I own far too many CDs--hundreds and hundreds really--and so I've spent way too much time hauling stacks of jewel cases up to my study to feed them into my newest iMac, which is where I sync my iPods. But I have yet to bring any discs back down to the living room shelves, so my primary work space in my study looks more like a used record shop at this moment! Time to tidy up, I guess.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 6, 2008 7:17 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Double Surprise.

The next post in this blog is Notes On A Scandal.

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