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E-Mail Pruning

I took part in the first of a two-part session on e-mail management offered by the school's IT director this morning. This was a productive primer on handling the barrage of electronic communication may of us face every day. The principle (from David Allen's Getting Things Done) of getting one's "In Box" to empty once a day is an admirable goal, but one I'll have to work hard to implement. I routinely have a couple thousand messages in my account, since I frequently refer to past correspondence. But if I can set up the proper filing system in place and set up some "smart mailboxes" with automatic filing rules, my life online might become a lot more productive. A good goal for early summer, when flood of daily messages slows to a trickle.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 10, 2008 9:41 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Spring Busts Out.

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