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Render Unto Caesar

It took me about 45 minutes tonight to complete my federal and Connecticut income tax forms. As I was preparing to drive down to the New Haven post office to mail them (because it was well past closing time at most local post offices) I realized I had no stamps. It's so rare that I actually use stamps anymore. Virtually all my bills I pay electronically. E-mail has usurped the personal letter for the most part. And anything work related gets metered in our mailroom. So I had to bum a couple of stamps from a friend to get my envelopes into the hands of the USPS. Finishing this chore always brings such a sweet feeling of relief. (And Uncle Sam owes me about $600!)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 15, 2008 9:50 PM.

The previous post in this blog was That Scottish Play.

The next post in this blog is A Quick Fix.

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