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Power Restored


Went up to the Apple Store in Farmington tonight. I had to pick up a new power cord for my iBook G4, which is a laptop that has traveled the world with me (six continents in both 2006 and 2007) and pretty much serves as a bedroom computer now. It also has its DVD player set to the region code "2" so I can watch U.K. discs without resorting to software tricks. The part of the cord that plugs into the machine to provide electricity got a bit too banged up, so the connection was no good and the battery stopped charging; thus without a fixed or replacement cord, the laptop would be nothing more than a shiny white paperweight. So $80 and a brand new cord later, I can now charge up the iBook again.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 27, 2008 10:35 PM.

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