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Gotta Stop Losing My Wallet

For the second time in four days, I misplaced my wallet for half a day or so. It's a pretty crippling situation, unfortunately, as it more or less limits my ability to purchase anything in person (as opposed to online) and travel off campus. Both times, I was pretty convinced the wallet would turn up somewhere around my apartment. If it were truly lost, it would be a nightmare of credit card cancellations and driver's license replacement. Fortunately, it turned up in a student room down the hall the first time and under some papers that fell off my desk today.

Comments (1)


Now that you found your wallet, take all your credit cards, insurance cards, affinity cards, and any other important cards and copy both sides. Store that in a safe place so that when you do really lose your wallet, you have the information to cancel your cards and get others replaced. Helpful tip from Suzanne.


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