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A Question Of Resolution


I've now picked up a handful of Blu-Ray titles, and several of them have come with a bonus digital copy. This means the package includes a disc and a code that enable me to download a copy of the movie to play in iTunes, presumably on a portable platform such as my MacBook or my iPhone. The irony of this is that I chose to buy the Blu-Ray version because of the stunning quality of the picture on a large 52" HD television set (that is soon to arrive!) but what I'm also getting is the ability to watch a movie like The Dark Knight on a tiny iPhone screen while riding a train--hardly the same viewing experience!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 31, 2008 12:37 PM.

The previous post in this blog was 2008: The Year Of A New Hope.

The next post in this blog is Santa Comes Late.

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