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Kicking Off The Festivities


My parents, who have arrived in Florida for their annual snowbird migration called and asked if I would record the concert at the Lincoln Memorial in honor of the Inauguration. Well the state of my transition to the new television probably will make recording the program problematic, but I did start watching the live telecast on HBO HD and got to see a handful of my favorite performers (e.g., U2, Bruce Springsteen, James Taylor, Sheryl Crow) in action. The key thematic elements of the show were Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, which made a lot of sense for both the venue and the occasion. Hard not to feel sentimentally patriotic watching all of this. The Obamas and Bidens had choice seats just off the stage and it looked like the turnout at The Mall was huge. But it looked COLD down there!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 18, 2009 4:15 PM.

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