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Connecting My Cameras Wirelessly


Since neither of my Canons--my 10D SLR or my PowerShot--have a GPS chip, I picked up an Eye-Fi SD card which, in addition to storing my photos inside the camera, is WiFi-enabled to geotag each shot and upload photos to my iMac automatically when it's within range of my home wireless network. The geotagging means photos automatically get sorted in the "Places" feature in iPhoto '09. (I also got a Compact Flash adapter to use the Eye-Fi in the 10D.) Apparently it can also send pics home and to online photo sharing services from anywhere in the world. I configured the Eye-Fi and tried it out tonight and it works like a charm.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 18, 2009 11:48 PM.

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The next post in this blog is A Lecture At The JFK Library.

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