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Continuing Voyages


The new Star Trek has landed, an impressive reboot at the hands of J.J. Abrams which captures the spirit of the '60s television show with spiffily updated visuals and a fresh cast. I took seven boys from Mem House to see the movie on its opening night, and even those not steeped in Trek lore like I am really enjoyed it. So Paramount may have what it wanted: the chance to introduce a new audience to "the final frontier."

A time travel element woven into the story basically gives the filmmakers a blank slate in reshaping the Trek universe. Assuming this movie meets its high box office expectations, its sequels presumably will be much better unencumbered by forty years of continuity given a rabid fan base eager to identify incongruities.

The movie itself was a blast: a great mix of character development, humor, well-paced action sequences, and sharp special effects. The Kirk/Spock relationship was at the heart of this story, but future films should have lots to work with in the new incarnations of McCoy, Uhura, Scotty, Sulu, and Chekhov--all of whom were skillfully incorporated into this version of the Federation flagship.

Star Trek will probably lure me back for a repeat showing in the theater, preferably on an IMAX screen.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 8, 2009 12:15 AM.

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