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Looking Forward To Snow Leopard


Snow Leopard is the name of the forthcoming update to Mac OS X due in September. I just watched the keynote from this week's WWDC in which Apple provided a detailed overview of the features of Snow Leopard (and also introduced refreshed Macs and the new iPhone 3G S).

What I am most pumped for is the integrated Exchange support for Mail, iCal, and Address Book. I use these three applications extensively and Snow Leopard will enable me to effectively integrate my calendar, contacts, and e-mail for work with my personal calendars, contacts, and e-mail accounts. So instead of alternating between Entourage and the Mac apps, I'll be able to use just the latter (which sync seamlessly with my iPhone via MobileMe, by the way). Once again, Apple comes through with technology that works the way it should.

Comments (1)

What's your experience been like with MobileMe? I've heard mixed things.


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