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Leaving The Dark Side


Three more Mac converts--Steve Jobs should pay me a commission! I took my parents and my cousin on a little shopping trip to the Apple Store in Farmington tonight. My cousin wanted an entry-level laptop and walked out with the basic white MacBook, which will be perfect for her needs. My folks intended to just do some window shopping, but left with a new 20" iMac in their possession. When my mom saw it, she kept asking, "where's the computer?" She was amazed to discover what she thought was the monitor was, in fact, the whole package. So it will be up to me to move all of the files on their Dell desktop and laptop over to the new machine on Father's Day this weekend.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 16, 2009 8:37 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Look Who Is Training On Grass!.

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