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Disaster Flick


Saw 2012 tonight: a film about--more or less--the end of the world, allegedly predicted by the Mayans centuries ago (which is not quite true, it turns out). This follows the formula of 1970s disaster movies such as The Poseidon Adventure, Airport, or The Towering Inferno: get to know a few key characters--some in positions of authority and some "normal folks"--and see what happens to them when calamity strikes. Modern CGI allows the audience to watch civilization's landmarks--such as the White House--dramatically obliterated, too. (The director, Roland Emmerich, is the same guy who helmed Independence Day, Godzilla, and The Day After Tomorrow, after all!) This was pretty much mindless entertainment, but fun to watch because of all the visuals: sort of a roller coaster ride with plenty of eye candy.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 27, 2009 9:51 PM.

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