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Not The Last Stupid Thing I'll Ever Do

When I got home after 1 in the morning after my trip to Williamstown last night, I dumped by pants into the washing machine, since part of my dinner wound up on my thigh while driving; I figured the pants would get clean while I slept. As I took the pants out this morning to put them in the dryer, I noticed I had not removed my wallet from the back pocket, so now I have a very soggy leather enclosure containing some waterlogged bills. Fortunately my driver's license and credit and ATM cards were unaffected; as I have a flight to Texas this evening, missing those would have been a big problem!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 11, 2009 9:07 AM.

The previous post in this blog was King John.

The next post in this blog is Flying To Dallas.

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