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Hello Portugal


I had a smooth flight over, with an open seat next to me giving me plenty of room to spread out. I slept a lot of the way, though I watched the first half of The Informer before I got too drowsy (I'll have to catch the rest on the way home). No problem clearing immigration, but now I have been waiting for over 30 minutes for my checked bag to appear. Seems like some of the luggage on our flight is stuck somewhere between the plane and the carousel. But I just connected with a Choate alum from about fifteen years ago who was on the same flight.

Once I pick up my rented car, I will drive a few hours south to the Algarve region.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 29, 2009 9:15 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Sailing Through The Airport.

The next post in this blog is Highway Robbery?.

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