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Identity Theft

The last few days I have been dealing with the hassles of identity theft. Specifically somebody got hold of the number of the primary credit card I use--a MasterCard with the local credit union--and charged who knows what in places like Israel and Maryland. I was alerted to this problem when my card was declined unexpectedly. When I checked recent transactions online, I noticed a handful of charges I knew nothing about. So now the card has been canceled and will be replaced, but I have to reconfigure all the recurring charges that I set to use this account: my cable bill, wireless phone service, newspaper subscriptions, EZPass, SpeedPay, etc. Not fun.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 29, 2010 9:58 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Wiped.

The next post in this blog is New Laptop.

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