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Playing Host

Choate hosted the Founders League meetings this year, as part of a rotation that includes all members in our group of eleven schools. This entails me coördinating the agenda for athletic directors and our headmaster running the meetings for his counterparts. We gather with our respective groups, and then we have a joint meeting of heads and ADs, followed by a cocktail hour and a really nice dinner. (Whenever the heads of school host each other, the eats are top drawer!)

Today was the last League meeting of the year, and we just wrapped up a pretty impressive dinner. And now I'll happily pass along the organizational chores for 2010-2011 to the next school in the queue.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 19, 2010 7:53 PM.

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The next post in this blog is April 30 Is "Late April".

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