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Living in such an exciting town as Wallingford (ha!) it's no surprise that the appearance of a new fast food establishment has created quite a buzz. In this case, it's a bit understandable, because one doesn't find many Sonics in this part of the country and the whole retro "get served in your car" angle is pretty different. So I spent twenty or so minutes waiting in line (in my car, of course) before pulling into one of the berths. Bottom line: the food was hardly worth the wait. I can say I've been there and done that, but no need to hurry back now that the novelty is gone.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 20, 2010 1:16 PM.

The previous post in this blog was New Gabriel Allon Novel Arrives Electronically.

The next post in this blog is Construction Update.

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