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Since I Am In The Mood For Doubling


At only $99, I felt I HAD to get one of the new Apple TV devices when I visited the Apple Store. This was clearly an impulse purchase. I own one of the older versions already (actually it was the second iteration of the Apple TV) and I am a fan of the technology.

My intention is to set up a second HD television in my study upstairs. Since I bought the 52" Samsung flat screen last year, I've had a 34" CRT Toshiba high definition set just gathering dust on the floor. So now I will have some motivation to hook up the new streaming-version of Apple TV to the older monitor. I'll probably move the PlayStation 3 upstairs as well and get a dedicated Blu-Ray player for the living room.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 15, 2010 8:14 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Doubling My Monitor Real Estate.

The next post in this blog is Doing My Bit For Economic Recovery.

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