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Streaming Sports Coverage

ESPN3 is offering terrific Wimbledon coverage over the Internet to supplement the traditional on-air programming on ESPN2. While away from the television, I can sit in my office and take my pick of virtually any court at the All-England Club and have a match--or up to four matches, in fact--on as I work. Since I moved a 27" iMac to my office desk, I can do other things on my MacBook Pro while the tennis plays in the background. Commentary is pretty solid, too, with the likes of John McEnroe and John Lloyd covering some of the men's matches.

Here is a screenshot from a few minutes ago:


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 23, 2011 1:44 PM.

The previous post in this blog was In Brightest Day . . ..

The next post in this blog is Fire And Ice.

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