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Back To The Blog

So after about a year of neglect, I have resolved to return to a regular routine of posting to this blog. No particular reason for the time away, other than a busy day-to-day existence and some fatigue from a more or less daily habit of writing entries.

Right now I am enjoying a bit of a getaway during the school fall long weekend break. I left Hartford early this morning to fly to New Orleans (via Atlanta) and have a couple days to explore the city and decompress from boarding school life.

This being the digital age, it is easy to take work along with me, and I have some projects to tackle while here: finishing the stats and producing a highlights email from yesterday's cross country meet, making progress in The Odyssey for my grad school class at Harvard (and beginning the draft of a short paper due Thursday), getting back up-to-date in my French class after missing a few meetings this past week, tweaking my Modern Japan course syllabus for the closing weeks of the fall term, and prepping an AP political science course for the winter that I have not taught before.

So anyway, stay tuned to this site and I'll aspire to produce occasional nuggets of insight about whatever tickles my fancy.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 23, 2011 1:39 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Wouldn't Have Guessed That.

The next post in this blog is Café Du Monde and the Beignet.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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